


To fulfill the great commission with the love of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20; 22:34-40).

EXALT - It is our goal and aim at Warsaw Baptist Church to focus God's people on Christ and not on self. Worship is not about us and we want to encourage all believers' to adopt this mentality in our corporate times of worship.

EQUIP - It is vital that the Church begins to invest in the lives of new and mature believer's alike. It is not enough for the church to simply baptize a new believer and give them a Bible and hope that one day that they will, "figure it all out". At Warsaw Baptist our aim is to invest in the lives of all believer's by encouraging each other to be involved in the study of the Bible and to put what we learn into practice.

EVANGELIZE - Jesus told us to go and make disciples. We are a family of missionary servants who live as disciples who make disciples. We seek to to fulfill this commission by walking in PROACTIVE and RE-ACTIVE evangelism and discipleship.

PROACTIVE: we look for and pray for His guidance about specific people whom He would have us reach, and we build relationships with them and utilize Gospel Opportunities as they are given. 

RE-ACTIVE: we take full advantage of unplanned Gospel Opportunities with strangers when we we are given those opportunities in the everyday rhythms of our lives.